Adjacent Repeater Councils
Saint Lawrence Valley Repeater Council (SLVRC) - ON/PQ
Area Repeater Coordination Council of Eastern Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey (ARCC) - EPA/SNY
Western New York - Southern Ontario Repeater Council (WNYSORC) - ON/NY
Metropolitan Coordination Association, Inc. (METROCOR) - NY(LI/NYC/NNJ)
Connecticut Spectrum Management Association (CSMA) - CT
Vermont Independent Repeater Coordinating Committee (VIRCC) - VT (Repeater Listing only)
New England Spectrum Management Council (NESMC) - MA/RI/NH/ME
New England Repeater Directory (NERD)
Comite Coordination des Frequencies du Quebec (CCFQ)
Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council (W.P.R.C.)